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2017 - Giving January to December

Written by Anna Paterson


Here is a wee overview of how Everlasting was so privileged to help out Women and their families in 2017. It's so, so beautiful meeting these ladies, hearing their story and feeling like I can be a channel of hope and goodness towards them through Everlasting and the money we raise. Anna x

December 2017

This morning I got to meet the incredible Janie from The Salvation Army. We were able to pass on $1000.00 which will be put to amazing use purchasing stationary and uniforms for families in the New Year. The needs they are being presented with daily are great and in abundance - it felt so beautiful knowing that this further resources them to do their amazing work. X

 November 2017

Today we had the absolute privilege of coming alongside Christmas Box and donating $2000.00 to help in their plight to feed/support as many families as possible during this Christmas Season. 
Their goal this year is to hand out 20,000 boxes. 
This is an incredible charity doing awesome work and thanks to you ladies and your generous hearts we were able to pass on the love. X

September 2017

And off she goes...our 3rd RAK day recipient. 

This gorgeous woman tragically lost her adored husband 10 months ago.  
Times are tough emotionally and financially and with four young children in the mix the least we could do was take her out and fill her wardrobe as well as some treats for the kids. 

Let's keep doing this ladies ...there are so many people hurting who need to know they are thought of and worthy. X

 September 2017

Just dropped off 12 large sacks of the most wonderful clothes to @womensrefugenz . After 4 sales we had a lot of excess clothing and wanted to pass these on so they went directly into the hands of women in need. Sharing the love

September 2017

Today we were able to gift our 2nd RAK recipient-Corinne and her family $500 in Countdown vouchers. The hope was to just help ease the load a little in all aspects-physically,mentally, emotionally and financially, for the journey ahead for Corinne, her husband and their gorgeous boys Is going to be tough.  
I am so completely humbled just reading through the FB page they have set up to create awareness - have a read and I'm sure you'll join me in a virtual high five to this family. We honour you guys for the awesome job you are doing. X


September 2017

This morning I had the total honour of meeting our first RAK day recipient. 
Sam was nominated by a friend due to the massive journey she has been on with her sweet sweet girl Mileka.  
Mileka has relapsed a third time and is awaiting major surgery next week. The grace and courage in both mother and daughter were so abundant.  
I couldn't be more thankful to our Everlasting family for allowing us to give the family a $500 supermarket voucher as financially things are tough.

August 2017

Today we were able to purchase 45 packs of Tampons and Pads to support this incredible initiative. Sadly some young girls are unable to go to school for a few days of each month due to not being able to afford the sanitary products they need. We love that with the money raised in pop up sales we are able to support this. 
A reminder they have a show on Wednesday and Thursday next week with ticket sales at the door - $10 and a box of tampons or pads is the door charge. Let's help them reach the goal of 200!

May 2017 - MOTHERS DAY $1500.00

3 women drawn at random for a shopping trip with Anna.

Julie, Jane and Sarah were the winners

May 2017 - Shine Girl  Dress Donations – 6x dresses donated on to these young women and styling them for the day.

March 2017 – Took a woman shopping who has a husband who is terminal and finances are tight. 




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