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2019 - June to July

Written by Anna Paterson


2019 continues to be a really special year for Everlasting and supporting women in need!

In June we put the call out to anyone that needed honouring, to gift them clothes, some one on one time, and some sweet treats.

We had a huge response, and decided to honour every single women nominated. It will take all year to get through everyone, but in June and July we invited women in, and we will continue to do so each month until every woman has been blessed. 

Women supporting Women - Everlasting

These days are only made possible by the amazing donations we receive from people. And also the incredible support from a few very special organisations...

Lissette, who is the owner and designer of two incredible brands Libertine Design and Tantrum, donated us 5 boxes full to the brim of brand new samples and end of lines. Lissette is passionate about using quality fabrics so that clothes last well and are kept out of landfills. 

Our wonderful friends at Shineon have very generously supported us with a number of boxes of tees and sweatshirts which have been sold online and given to some of the women that have come in to be treated. This has meant so much to us, and helps us to provide for women in need even more!

And in June, these epic 4 women - Sisterhood of Style NZ, Chasing Cait, Dressing up with Monique Doy & Cathy Pope Jewellery - rocked up with a car FULL (no exaggeration) of all the clothes/shoes/accessories they hadn't sold from their Sylist Sale, to be donated to our beautiful ladies. I'm so thankful that these ladies are as authentic and fabulous in the flesh as what you see on the gram. 

Everlasting Styling - preloved clothes

Because of the amazing donations that keep flooding in, we have continued to support Hospice and Womens Refuge by regularly dropping clothes off to them. And to the Hope Shop on the Hibiscus Coast, which was just starting up to support the incredible work of Youth in Transition. 

The Hope Shop - Everlasting preloved clothes

And most recently we have started collecting bras for a beautiful lady that contacted us, and is going to the Islands mid-August where bras are a complete luxury item.

We continue to receive so many messages of support, and boxes of donated clothing, especially since our special feature in The Australian Women's Weekly New Zealand August edition!

Australian womens weekly NZ Everlasting

Thank you for your amazing support, whether it be through donations, shopping online, or coming to our warehouse sales. It all makes such a difference and we couldn't do it without you! #womensupportingwomen

Anna X



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