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Life FM interview with Sherryn

Written by Anna Paterson



Anna from Everlasting joins Sherryn in studio

    The wonderful Anna from Everlasting joined me in studio to talk about the incredible work she does.

    Everyone wants to have a sister with a wardrobe full of stunning clothes you can wear - Anna is basically that sister!

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    People and companies donate stunning clothes to her not for profit charity, Everlasting and Anna is able to get them into the hands of other woman for super low prices. Then, as if that wasn't incredible enough she then donates the profits to different charities or individules where they see fit!! Anna delights in seeing the joy on the faces of the ladies who come to visit her or shop online. As they wear the beautiful clothes and feel good about themselves, feel confident and happy - that flow on effect into other areas of their lives is evident. I've experienced it first hand - I went to visit Anna and her team in the Everlasting store and turned into a kid in the candy store! It was simply wonderful to have access to all these beautiful clothes I would not have otherwise been able to afford. Often woman don't allocate money to spend on themselves or put needs of others and the family first and can forego the luxury of new items in the wardrobe.

    Everlasting is also playing a fantastic role in keeping these garments out of landfil and giving them a second life and a new home.

    If you missed the interview you can listen here (scroll down to the black audio box).

    Another great aspect of Everlasting is that they have an online store, as well as a shop in Auckland - so you don't have to be local to benifit from what they are doing.

    You can visit the Everlasting website HERE.





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