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2019 - Giving January to May

Written by Anna Paterson



What a year 2019 has already been in the life of Everlasting.

We had an epic sale at Gladstone Primary on March 1st and the following day moved into our first ever space. This allowed Everlasting to reach and impact more women and families than previously possible when we had limited access to our clothes.

Everlasting warehouse

Some of the incredible things we have been able to achieve are:

Gifting 9 beautiful young girls with treats to lift their spirits - as well as vouchers of financial assistance for their families.

We have invited individuals into our space and gifted them items when we have heard they didn't have anything to wear.

In May, after our second pop-up sale in the new venue we were able to invite one of the local school staff to come and purchase clothes at a set rate to honour the service they do.

Gifting in 2019 to charities

We have donated boxes and boxes of jumpers to help with The Creative Souls Project, an initiative to give those in need free clothes.

We have donated 20 sacks of clothes to Women's Refuge over the past 3 months.

We have donated t-shirts to Kaipara for the 'Love Kaipara Recycling Project' that turns tees into bags.


2019 Giving to women in need

Most recently we sent love gifts to 10 mothers for Mothers Day acknowledging them and their value. We are loving that each year we have been able to lift the number of women we can acknowledge at this time.

We have also donated clothes for the opening of The Hope Shop - a pop-up shop in Manly, Auckland where the proceeds all go towards providing counselling services for local at-risk youth through the organisation Youth in Transition.

We are so thankful for the way you support us, whether that be as a donator, purchaser, recipient of our gifting or a fan spreading the word. It all matters as together we can do great things.

Appreciate you all!

Anna x



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